Whose Rights are the Right Rights?

Please enlighten me.

Judy McCord
3 min readNov 9, 2021
Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

It’s puzzling. Why do doctors and teachers and attorneys go to college and graduate school? To gain the knowledge and experience to heal, to educate, to advocate? Simple, right?

Our legislators are regulating (successfully!) how doctors can advise and treat people in their care and how parents can care for their children. Our legislators are now legislating what history is real or imaginary; what books should and should not be read by students; which students have the inalienable right to feel valued; which experience of our ancestors is valid; what teachers can and cannot do to support and nurture the students in their care.

The United Nations, founded in 1945, is an international organization currently made up of 193 Member States.

Of those 193 states, 192 have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989.)

The United States of America is the only UN member state that has not ratified the statement on the inalienable rights of children.

I’ll say it another way: the United States is the only country on the planet not willing to agree to a statement of the rights of children. (Note: #45 wanted the US to drop out of the UN…



Judy McCord

Warrior Crone. I write about what matters today. Mental Health. Civil Rights. Love. Relationships. Stuff that makes me giggle.