Today’s News. Self Defense.


Judy McCord
2 min readNov 19, 2021
Photo by Agnes Elena Crăciun on Unsplash

I can’t unread the news today.

He — a (white) child, a minor — driven by his (white) mother bless her heart — across state lines with an illegal assault weapon for the express purpose of defending a business — he didn’t know which one just anyone with (black) people yelling because a (white) cop attempted to detain and then shot an unarmed (black) man seven times in the back as he attempted to get in his car with his (black) children in the back seat. Because.

So, he’s protecting oh wait no defending himself against black no wait white people in the street, one of whom was protecting his (white) girlfriend from a person with an assault rifle, and another who had a handgun to protect himself from a person with an assault rifle. Oh, right, that’s why it looked like he might have shot those three people in self-defense? He must have been confused. Certainly not guilty. Of anything.

How did we get here? What’s the point in even hoping laws about who can get what kind of gun at what age no matter the mental health status or age or whatever might be considered by congress, by state legislatures? What’s the point? It’s okay for any person of any age to buy any gun for whatever reason or even no reason. And then leave it available and loaded for children to accidentally kill their brothers or sisters? Or even their mothers? I give up.

I can’t unread the news today.



Judy McCord

Warrior Crone. I write about what matters today. Mental Health. Civil Rights. Love. Relationships. Stuff that makes me giggle.